Competitive Soccer
Smithfield Strikers competitive soccer is a program designed for players looking to improve their skills and abilities through training and playing games at a higher level of competition.
Smithfield Strikers competitive soccer starts at U8 and runs through U15. Tryouts are typically held in early October with teams formed and beginning to practice early to mid-November. Tryouts take place at Deerfield park.
Season Information
Training begins in November and teams participate in either an indoor turf league or an indoor futsal leage. Each session is typically 7-9 games and there are two sessions available over the course of the winter. In the spring the teams participate in the Rhode Island Youth Super Liga (RIYSL), the state youth soccer league.
Travel Information
Indoor locations:
Wide World of Indoor Sports (North Smithfield)
Providence Country Day (PCD)
West Warwick Civic Center.
The spring season consists of 8 games, 4 home and 4 away. The 4 home games are played at Deerfield Park in Smithfield and the 4 away games can be anywhere in Rhode Island or Southern Mass.
Cost varies by team and age and is communicated around the time of tryouts. For more information email joecataldosysa@gmail.com